
We develop, facilitate and co-teach workshops, lectures and hands-on practical media skills for lecturers and students all around:

  • Science video communication

  • Visualizations and Infographics

  • Visual graphical abstracts for peer-reviewed papers

  • The power of the audiovisual language

  • Script writing and storytelling

  • Smartphone videography

  • Comics, dataviz and poster design 3.0

  • Epistemic values of science films

  • Responsible image creation with GenAI

  • Mentorings for students media projects

What we did:
Development Workshop

Infographics, Storytelling & Smartphone Videography (SS24)

Our team was invited to be guest lecturers for the ‘Agroecologists Without Borders’ course at D-USYS during the spring semester of 2024. We conducted four workshops on diverse topics: 'Infographics' for lecturers, and 'Storytelling', 'Infographics', and 'Smartphone Videography for Science Visualization' for students.

Science Videos with Smartphones

The smartphone is a video instrument. But how do you use it for meaningful science storytelling? In this workshop-based teaching, we’re looking on one hand on todays engaging audiovisual storytelling techniques for science communication. On the other hand, we will make a hands-on deep dive into smartphone videography techniques. How do I easily create videos with my phone? And what tips and tricks exist to create simple but beautiful camera images and movements? Researchers are able to work on their own scientific topics and try to have a short video-based outcome at the end of this workshop.

Workshop length: ideally 1.5 days, but also adjustable if needed

  • 1 day introduction, storytelling basis, exercises, hands-on smartphone tests, mentoring on individual science topic storytelling ideas

  • (1 week inbetween) with self-paced video production and asynchronous feedback on a so called “roughcut”

  • 0.5 day workshop continuation and finalizing the video product

Video workshop for ‘Open Access Audio-Visual Archive in Animal Sciences’ project with student teaching assistants.

SciComm and Video project documentations

D-USYS: Seminar Umweltsysteme

For the second time, we were able to give a science communication lecture, held a workshop and mentor the student video project groups throughout the semester. 20 social media videos have been produced on different topics such as solar power, biodiversity, nuclear etc. This years topic included the subtask, to work with “humour” for scicomm.

D-HEST: Assistive Technology Challenge

We had the chance to give an input lectures and hands-on smartphone videography workshop for the project-based work documentation. Further, we mentored the students during the video production process for the script writing to the rough-cut review. Final student videos: https://relab.ethz.ch/education/assistive-technology-challenge.html

Graphical Abstract for peer-reviewed publications

For the Graduate Collective D-ERDW, we were giving a lecture and a hands-on workshop about “Graphical Abstracts” for peer-reviewed publications.

Teachings Labs

(currently in development)

The Edumedia is currently developing several so called “Teaching Labs”. The courses will be open to everyone at ETH and they will be facilitated as hybrid formats.

The second part of the courses will consist of hands-on implementation workshops:

When finished the first part of the Teaching Lab,
ETH teachers can apply to the second part with:

  1. Hands-on bottlenecks out of the classroom

  2. Concrete ideas out of their discipline

  3. Innovative first thoughts on how to create innovative media material or learning activities for their teaching.

The first part of the LET “Teaching Labs” will be open online and self-paced for all ETH teachers.

The courses from the EduMedia will have a strong focus on:

  1. Media competencies and future digital skills

  2. Applied media studies and educational theory

  3. AI and visualizations

  4. Skills and know-how for own media productions such as smartphone videography, simple animations, science educational visualizations

  5. Science & educational videos

  • Images, data and infographics are essential in science communication. But how do I choose or produce the right image or infographic for my research? And how do I visualize my data convincingly?

  • Everything we see and hear in the web is either based on audio or visual informations. If the two of them come together - audiovisual - then we talk about video, film or other moving image formats. The diversity of these formats are immense and are continously increasing with new technology and storytelling.

    How can we at ETH embrass into this diverse world of audio and visual formats? What can we adapt and use in our daily lives as teachers and scientists at ETH?

  • The smartphone as a film instrument. What and how can I get most out of my smartphone for filming? How do I easily create videos with my phone? And what tipps and tricks exist to create simple but beautiful camera images and movements?

  • How can you create simple but powerful animation videos for your teaching?

  • Visualizing Science

    ETH Communication Academy: One day workshop for researchers and teachers to explore new ways of science communication for research and education.

    Workshop will happen again in Fall 23, please check Communication Academy Websites for deadlines.

  • Didactica: Visual Storytelling for Education

    Recurring didactica course at ETH/USZ on visual storytelling for science education. Next course in Fall 23. https://www.didactica.ethz.ch/

  • D-USYS Umweltsysteme Tiktok-like Videos for Science Communication

    B.A. students of D-USYS produce tiktok-like shortest shorts for science communication.

    Guest lecture on the history and future of science videos We accompany and mentoring all student groups in their own first science video production.