Accessibility Audiovisual Media
Our accessibility series explores ways of making teaching in the digital domain more accessible to individuals with sensory impairments. This series is part of the ETH e-Accessibility campain.
This series has two production chains.
The first one aimes to raise awareness and sensitize educators to accessibility in the digital domain. We focus on the hurdles that people with sensory impairments face in university life and convey basic accessibility concepts, with practical tips for creating accessible teaching materials. This project is part of ETH's e-accessibility campaign.
The second production chain is focused on the topic of neurodiversity. It provides a comprehensive explanation of the term neurodiversity and explores ways in which teachers and others involved in teaching can be sensitized to the needs of neurodiverse people. It also showcases the perspectives of those affected, their challenges, and solution strategies. The Neurodiversity Series is also a collaboration between UZH and ZHAW.
Visual Style
Overall, the visual style of the video is minimalistic and abstract, with a focus on simple geometric shapes, bold lines, and a limited color palette. The "Companion" - who plays a main role in both production chains - is a sensitive and imaginative 2D animated figure that guides viewers through the complex content of the series. The character conveys the basic concepts of the topic, illustrates related problems, and explores approaches to solving them. In the portrait series, the Companion seamlessly slips into the role of those affected, showcasing their everyday lives, demonstrating their strategies, and highlighting their academic potential.
So, while each production chain has its own focus and approach, they are all part of the same project and share a common goal of promoting accessibility and inclusivity in academic teaching.