Climate Change Mini Game
The Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich
Hannah, Isaac, Amina and Flo. What can they can do to help the environment? They are willing to make a contribution. But where should they start? While playing our Climate Game, you may have noticed how much individual action and politics are interconnected. This is exactly what is being researched at the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS), but also much more.
Our Department D-USYS has a clear mission of understanding environmental systems and finding sustainable solutions. They have five strategic research focuses guiding their work, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These five foci are:
Climate Change
Ecosystem Processes and Services
Sustainable Resource Use
Food Security
Biological Diversity and Adaptation
Overall, more than 60 research groups, organized in 6 institutes, work along these research foci. And over 1000 students learn something new about these topics every day. But one thing is clear, whatever they all find out: the actions of Hannah, Isaac, Amina and Flo make a difference!
What we did:
UX Design
Software Engineering
People involved
Game idea & content:
Dr. Anouk N'Guyen van Chinh
Lorena Kuratle
Noëmi Brüggemann
Samuel Lüthi
Dr. Sarah Richman
Sophie Scheiwiller
Tobias Keller
Sophie Graf
Game design & implementation:
Martina Kessler:
Game design & supervision:
Dr. Julia Chatain:
Hannes Oehen