FoodChem Media


Explore the critical role of food analytics and chemistry in applied food science through D-​HEST's innovative online platform. Expert interviews, exercises, and career insights contextualize these foundational subjects for bachelor students.

What we did:


The food science department's lighthouse project aims to showcase the significance of food analytics and chemistry in applied food science. Designed for bachelor students, the online platform features expert interviews, learning materials, practical exercises, and career insights to contextualize these foundational subjects in real-​world scenarios.

Visual Style

This series features a mixed visual style that combines documentary footage, illustrations, and animations to create a unique and engaging viewing experience. The artwork is characterized by a minimalistic color palette that enhances the simplicity and clarity of the content.

Production process

Department: D-HEST

Project Lead D-HEST:
Dr. Melanie Erzinger
Prof. Dr. Laura Nyström

Project Lead LET Media:
Dr. Jeanine Reutemann
Daniela Seiler (M.Sc.)

Production Lead:
Daniela Seiler (M.Sc.)

ETH Learning Specialist:
Dr. Katrin Wolf

People involved   

Experts / Case Studies:
Dr. Thomas Amrein
Prof. Dr. Irene Chetschik
Dr. Thomas Gude
Julia Iselin (M.Sc.)

Silvia Leuzinger (M.Sc.)
Prof. Dr. Laura Nyström
Dr. Aline Schär

Videography, Postproduction & Sounddesign:
Ave-Lii Idavain (M.A.)
Dr. Jeanine Reutemann
Kateryna Makarenko

Art and Animation:
Estelle Gattlen

Motion Design:
Jane Gebel (M.A.)

Platform Interactive Illustration (Articulate):
Estelle Gattlen

Dr. Jeanine Reutemann
Dr. Gerd Kortemeyer